Monday, November 9, 2009

What hard-bleeding St. Louis conservatives is Elliott Davis connected with?

Why does Elliott Davis come after school districts that educate predominantly African American students? The answer lies in the following two links. Please click the links and learn the local conservative stalwarts whose interest Elliott Davis is spearheading:

1. Board of Directors of Show Me Institute, arch-enemies of public schools, especially school districts that predominantly serve minorities like African Americans. It is financed by Rex Sinquefield, a St. Louis billionaire. Elliott Davis is a mouthpiece of these conservatives. Look at their pictures. These are the guys who have an agenda for Riverview Gardens School District. If you trust Elliott Davis then you trust the lives of our children in the hands of the men whose pictures appear on the link. We as parents don't trust Elliot Davis and Show Me Institute. Can RGSD board trust them? Not so unless you are betraying our children and our trust.

2. Education. Show Me Institute believes in privatizing schools, vouchers, Charter Schools, and taking over school districts where African American students are a majority. Elliott Davis is spearheading the interests of these conservatives. Show Me Institute is connected to the national conservative movement. When you see Elliott Davis sniffing around RGSD there is a boogieman behind the curtains--Show Me Institute and the conservatives!

Please visit Show Me Institute home page to get educated about the agenda of this organization.

We want our board to be united, brave in their decision-making, and above all vigilant. The BOOGIEMAN IS COMING!

Reminder: Elliot Davis brags on his website that he "Led Missouri Department of Education to dissolve Wellston School District in St. Louis County and terminate the school board and superintendent." (click the link). This should be a lesson to the RGSD Board and the community.

Riverview Gardens School District parents
(Thank God we've home-grown African American bloggers).

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Where is Elliott Davis? Did he chicken out?

Where is the sneaky Elliot Davis? We are waiting to hear his propaganda against Riverview Gardens School District so that we can counter it ferociously. Has he chickened out or what? Our job is to expose who he really is.

Again we are reminding the board that April 2010 elections are five months away. Any one of you who works with Mr. Davis to destroy our school district, don't seek re-election. We'll also come after any betrayer with a blog. Anybody trying to ruin Riverview Gardens School District will be disgraced by our bloggers. Don't betray our trust in you. Don't let this school district be taken over by the state! Don't collude with Elliott Davis.

You've our blessing to do whatever it takes to ensure RGSD remains in the hands of the elected board. At least we can hold you responsible. We can't hold state bureaucrats accountable.

Reminder: Elliot Davis brags on his website that he "Led Missouri Department of Education to dissolve Wellston School District in St. Louis County and terminate the school board and superintendent." (click the link). This should be a lesson to the RGSD Board and the community.

Riverview Gardens School District Parents.
(Thank God we've home-grown bloggers).

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Elliot Davis brags about the dissolution of Wellston Public School Board & Administration.

Elliot Davis brags on his website that he "Led Missouri Department of Education to dissolve Wellston School District in St. Louis County and terminate the school board and superintendent." This should be a lesson to the RGSD Board and the community.

We are warning the board about this dangerous man. If you are not careful, Elliot Davis can:

1. Pave the way for the state takeover of our school district,

2. Drive you out of business, and

3. Destroy our school district and community.

The school district is in sound financial status and the board is taking courageous steps to raise student achievement. We've most of the ingredients for the school district to succeed. Then why is Elliot Davis of all the people sniffing around our school district? If the board is disunited as we have been made to understand, he'll exploit the disunity.

Riverview Gardens School District will be a shambles like Wellston if it is taken over by the state. That is the main focus of Elliot Davis. We believe he works for the conservative crowds that is against African American interest. RGSD serves predominantly African American children and that is what the conservatives hate the most. They disproportionately control the power and wealth in America but they still want to take the little that our community has. They want to destroy our school district.

We warn any board member that Elliot Davis uses to destroy our school district not to seek re-election. April 2010 elections are not far away. We'll also create a blog to campaign against any board member who betrays the school district. Please let's make it clear that we're not accusing any board member. So don't single yourself out. Talk to Mr. Davis to satisfy his curiosity. Be sincere. Don't betray the school district. We are not telling you to cover up anything illegal. We all know that RGSD is past the corruption era. The state and the media can attest to that.

Riverview Gardens School District Parents.
(we're proud of our home-grown bloggers who will counter any negative publicity).

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Riverview Gardens School District (RGSD) Board: Read this blog and do the right thing.

Please read this blog. We elected you. We're watching you. We want you to be courageous in all your decision-making to solve the academic problems this school district faces. Be transparent though. Don't let this school district be taken over by the state. It will be worse off. We don't need squabbles or distractions from within or without.

Elliot Davis is part of the reason the state took over Wellston. Years later it is a shambles. We hear he is coming around to the RGSD board meetings and some of you are feeding him with information! We believe he is setting RGSD for a takeover. He brags on his website that he contributed to the state takeover of Wellston. That is what he and his conservative friends wish for Riverview Gardens School District. Why does Elliott Davis target school districts that predominantly educate African American children and not the white school districts? It was Wellston, then he tried Jennings and backed off after parents and the community fought him back, and now it is RGSD.

If any board member is working with Elliot Davis secretly to let down our children, don't seek re-election. However, you can provide interviews for him not to think there is a cover up.

RGSD Parents

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Parents support our courageous Board of Education.

We are Riverview Gardens School District parents and we support our Board of Education under the able leadership of Rev. Pierson to do whatever it takes to save the takeover of our school district by the state.

We stand by your courageous decisions. Don't be swayed by Elliot Davis and those conservatives whose interest he represents. Elliot Davis can write anything he wants to fatten his pockets but we'll continue to support our board.

Even the state of Missouri is working hand-in-hand with the board to prevent a takeover, which doesn't come cheap for the state, the parents, the children, and the neighborhoods the school a district serves.

Elliot Davis is an advocate for the state to take over Riverview Gardens School District. He paved the way for the state takever of Wellston and look how miserable Wellston School District is right now. Wellston is performing below before the state takeover. Look at St. Louis Public schools. The student achievement is worse than before state takeover.

Elliot Davis sniffed around Jennings before he was shown the door by the parents and concerned citizens. Now he is playing similar games with Riverview Gardens School District. Let's show him the door.

We are as furious as hell. We can't take nonsense from Elliot Davis or any other quarters.

We don't need St. Louis Post-Dispatch or any TV stations to publicize our opposition. We've have our very own home-grown bloggers who will share our concerns with the world in a jiffy.

Riverview Gardens School District Parents

(As mad as hell).

Friday, October 23, 2009

Why did the Riverview Gardens School District hire a professional management company?

The Riverview Gardens School District Board of Education has been trying to explore all possible solutions to the lack of full accreditation and the possibility of being taken over by the state of Missouri.

One of the many options it pursued to improve student achievement, regain fiscal responsibility, streamline operations, and regain accreditation was to hire a for-profit local company. The company was initially hired to assess and recommend management and academic changes to streamline how the school district operates. After they presented their findings, the firm was hired by the board to implement the recommended academic and management changes. The selection of this firm was done through a fairly transparent process. Federal No Child Left Behind and Misouri Statutes allow a failing school district to hire private firms to help with changes that a school district requires to regain its footing.

Now Mr. Elliot Davis is sniffing around the school district to try to scoop dirt. One of the issues he is focusing on is the hiring of the private firm to shore up academics and management. He thinks the hiring was improper. This couldn't be further from the truth. The board under the able leadership of Rev. Pierson made the right decision. We support them. They did every possible thing in the past and it never worked. What does Mr. Davis and those whose interest he represent expect Rev. Pierson to do? Give up! No way. He and his board made the right decision. We don't care who they hire or what method they use to save the school district! They have to do something to save our children.

We support the decision by Rev. Pierson and his board members 100%. We want the state of Missouri and our elected leaders to know that we stand behind the many hard decisions the board is making to control the situation.

We request Mr. Davis to back off. It was Wellston, then he tried Jennings before parents and other citizens successfully fought back and now it is Riverview Gardens School District. Mr. Davis we intend to fight back at your negative publicity. You want to serve your masters and fatten your pockets by riding on the backs of our children. NO WAY!

Parents of Riverview Gardens School District.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Is Elliot Davis a champion of the underdogs as he claims or a mouthpiece of the conservative Fox News Network owned by Rupert Murdoch?

Is Elliot Davis a champion of the underdogs as he claims or a mouthpiece of the conservative Fox Network when it comes to dealing with African American institutions? He is unfairly targeting Riverview Gardens School District, which serves predominantly African American children. Remember Fox Network is owned by Rupert Murdoch, a Right-wing Conservative! Mr. Davis works for KTVI TV-Fox 2 News, an affiliate of Fox Network. Do you connect the dots?

We believe Mr. Davis is a mouthpiece and a tool for the conservative crowd that is pushing for the school privatization and voucher agenda in St. Louis. He targets only school districts that predominantly serve African American children.

Parents for Riverview Gardens School District.